Take your talent strategies to the next level — with candidates at the center

Work is different. Talent acquisition strategies should be, too.

The pandemic fundamentally changed how people think about work.  Candidates want work that flexes to fit their life, not the other way around. And they’re in the driver’s seat, actively seeking new opportunities. As a result, organizations need to reimagine their talent acquisition process to attract – and close the deal with – the top candidates.

Sunflower Talent Strategies examines current processes and recommends short, mid- and long- term enhancements that help organizations to close the gap between open positions and the needs of the business.   


Molly Weaver


Why Sunflower Talent Strategies?

I’ve built a career around building careers. And I’ve learned that organizations can no longer rely on traditional processes to find the best, most diverse talent.

It’s time to start fresh. Get creative. And apply some outside-the-box thinking to find, engage, and hire the best candidates. Every time.

That’s where Sunflower Talent Strategies comes in. I help busy business leaders examine current processes, close gaps, and create productive partnerships between hiring leaders and talent acquisition teams. (aka I help you tackle all the things getting pushed down your to-do list when it’s all hands-on-deck to fill a critical open position.)

Ready to refresh your processes, find the candidates you’re looking for, and create diverse, sustainable talent pipelines for today — and tomorrow? Let’s talk.


People over paper.

Fresh ideas over process for process’s sake.

Keep what’s working and reimagine what’s not.

  • Let’s examine your application experience — start to finish — to identify and address the gaps from the candidate’s point of view.

  • It’s time to treat talent as a supply chain that optimizes internal and external talent pools to produce the candidates you need. Strategically creating expanded talent pipelines is our specialty.

  • Whether you’re starting an in-house recruiting team, expanding your scope, or looking to restructure your talent acquisition function, we’ll provide the expert, outside perspective you need to design an approach that fits your business — and grows along with it.

  • Attracting, hiring, and retaining diverse talent is a top priority for most organizations. We’ll help ensure your Talent Acquisition strategies are expanding the funnel and moving the needle on your diversity objectives.

  • We offer a range of training programs designed to accelerate your organization’s ability to adapt to the evolving employment market. And our training is grounded in real-life experience and expertise so you can count on actionable takeaways and tangible results.

  • We’re focused on the rapidly changing world of work. Have a talent acquisition challenge that’s not on this list? Bring it on. We’ll create a custom solution to help you tackle it.