Automating the mundane: AI in HR

Recently, I heard a speaker describe AI as “Augmented Human Intelligence.” And I think that’s a better description, as AI can help us gain efficiency and process data faster – and allow our people to build relationships, have deeper conversations, and make better connections with our employees and leaders.

Since AI (or AHI) is here to stay, let’s look at a few ways to embrace the ways it can help.

Resume screening and candidate matching: AI-driven tools can swiftly analyze vast pools of resumes using Natural Language Processing (NLP) to identify key skills, qualifications, and experience, thereby enabling HR professionals to hone in on the most promising candidates. Imagine “years of experience” being calculated so recruiters don’t have to count them as just one of the ways this new technology can help.

Interview scheduling: Coordinating interviews can be a logistical challenge. AI-powered scheduling tools simplify this process by automatically finding suitable time slots and sending out invitations. I am a huge fan of Calendly and how it manages this process efficiently and reduces back-and-forth communication.

Employee onboarding: AI can facilitate the onboarding process by providing new hires with essential information and resources. Chatbots can guide employees through paperwork and offer a personalized welcome experience. This allows your new hires to ask their questions in plain language (not benefit or HR speak) and get the answers they need.

Employee engagement and feedback: AI-powered surveys and sentiment analysis tools help HR teams gain insights into employee satisfaction and engagement levels. They can identify trends and provide actionable data for improving the workplace. This reduces the time between when the survey was administered and when you have the results. Not only is feedback more timely and actionable but there’s an opportunity to capture more frequent feedback.

Predictive analytics for employee retention: AI can predict which employees are most likely to leave an organization, allowing HR to take proactive measures to retain valuable talent.

By utilizing AI, organizations can streamline their HR processes, leading to a more efficient, data-driven, and employee-centric HR department. It’s time to embrace the AI revolution in HR and reap the benefits of a more productive and engaged workforce.


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Look forward: Make AI your ally in transforming HR’s future