The perils of ‘Let’s revisit next year’ (A holiday check-out rant)

Ah, the holiday season—a time for festive decorations, cheerful music, and apparently, the infamous phrase, “Let’s revisit this next year.” As the end of the year approaches, it seems like a convenient catch-all for anything deemed too complex, too challenging, or just plain inconvenient. But let’s be honest, is it a strategic move or merely a premature holiday check-out?

We’ve all been there. You propose an idea, discuss a project, or attempt to address a lingering issue, only to be met with the casual dismissal to revisit the discussion next year. It’s like tossing a proverbial issue into a black hole labeled “January 1st and beyond.” But what does it really mean?

“Next year” implies a clean slate, a fresh beginning where everything will fall into place effortlessly. But let’s not kid ourselves. The flip of a calendar page doesn’t erase challenges or complexities. In fact, delaying resolutions can lead to bigger, messier issues down the road. It’s like leaving a pile of dirty dishes in the sink, hoping they’ll clean themselves by the time you return.

As we navigate the holiday hustle, it’s crucial to recognize the power of the present moment. While it’s tempting to kick the can down the road and embrace the illusion of a carefree January, addressing issues promptly can prevent unnecessary stress and set the tone for a more organized, proactive start to the year.

Rather than succumbing to the holiday check-out mantra, let’s challenge ourselves to face issues head-on. Whether it’s a project needing closure, a decision requiring attention, or a resolution deferred for too long, tackle it now. The sense of accomplishment will be a far better holiday gift than the looming specter of unresolved matters. After all, a clean slate is most effectively created by addressing the current smudges. Happy holidays, and here’s to a proactive and resolution-filled New Year!


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