Tempted to use slang to connect with Gen Z? Don’t.

Our Gen Z contributor weighs in on using slang. Colin is a high school Junior.

98% of Gen Z communicates using slang. Almost 1 in 3 report using slang in every conversation. (Those aren’t made-up numbers. They’re from a 2022 survey!)

While it’s easy to see why companies might think using slang in their marketing and recruiting is a good idea, take it from a member of Gen Z, it’s not. Slang is meant to be an informal way to communicate, a way for friends and family to communicate with each other. When companies and schools use it, it hardly ever feels authentic. Instead, the message is a little off, undermining the purpose.

To be completely honest, slang almost always falls out of fashion when it starts getting used by older generations. If you’re tempted to say your company slays or a job is fire. Don’t. It won’t connect with Gen Z-ers. It’s more likely to have the opposite effect and come across as cringe. (IYKYK)

So, what type of communication works best for connecting with Gen Z?

Clear, direct, and personalized. We’re growing up with a phone in our hands, so we’re used to short messages that get straight to the point. We’re also used to instant information, so don’t keep us waiting too long for an update or a response. Personalize messages as much as possible. And just to make things interesting, we like a blend of video, digital and in-person communications!


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