What is internal mobility? (And what’s not)

Internal mobility seems to be having a moment with many organizations touting their internal mobility programs. But what is internal mobility? And what ISN’T?

Let’s start with what’s not internal mobility:

  • An internal job posting site (especially one without a preference for internal candidates)

  • Leadership development training without clear career paths

On the flip side, here are three hallmarks of outstanding internal mobility programs:

  1. Clear lateral, step-up and step-down pathways that employees are regularly reminded about. (And don’t forget step-down options. There are times in many careers when taking a brief step down is the best move.)

  2. Managers who are well trained to look for opportunities to help their team. This means establishing policies and practices that don’t allow leaders to “talent hoard” but instead rewards them when people on their team make career moves that align with their goals.

  3. A focus on career webs versus ladders that encourages employees to build flexibility and new skills to enhance the company’s performance.

And if a downturn comes and layoffs are looming, effective internal mobility capabilities enable you to move current employees with a variety of skills to new assignments – and retain valuable talent.


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