Recruitment blind spots? Bring in fresh eyes

When it comes to your organization’s recruitment and hiring process, you may think you have it nailed down. The job descriptions are clear, the interviews are behavioral-based, and you know exactly what an ideal candidate looks like. But even the most robust and well-designed hiring processes can develop blind spots over time.

That’s where the value of a fresh-eyes review comes in. Just like bringing in an outside expert to review a key business proposal, an external audit of your recruitment practices can illuminate flaws, biases, and areas for improvement that internal teams often miss. The concept of the fresh-eyes review hinges on the idea that those immersed in a process or project can become too close to see it objectively. Familiarity breeds assumptions, oversights creep in, and groupthink takes over. What seems intuitive to your hiring team may be confusing or off-putting to candidates.

An outside reviewer can:

  • Identify unclear, jargon-filled, or discriminatory language in job postings

  • Spot unconscious biases in interview questions or evaluation criteria

  • Call out inefficient, outdated, or legally questionable hiring practices

  • Provide a simulated candidate experience to highlight potential pain points

The benefits of addressing these blind spots through a fresh-eyes review are clear:

  • A more equitable, inclusive, and legally-compliant hiring process

  • Ability to attract and land a more diverse pool of high-quality talent

  • Elimination of roadblocks that frustrate candidates and make them disengage

  • Increased hiring efficiency, saving time and costs

  • Positioning your organization as a sought-after employer brand

Who should provide this candid, unfiltered assessment of your recruitment process? Ideally, it’s an individual or firm specializing in talent acquisition but is entirely outside your organization. This person has no preconceived notions about how things are done at your company.

The key is finding a qualified fresh-eyes partner willing to audit everything from job descriptions and marketing channels to interview scripts and selection decisions. Their objectivity enables them to call out areas that have become overly baked in and propose creative solutions.

Don’t let your recruitment process go stale or develop systemic flaws that hinder your ability to land top talent. Routinely engaging fresh eyes is a simple yet powerful way to keep your hiring strategies optimized and candidate-centric. After all, the candidates you hire today will shape your organization’s future success.

Looking for some fresh eyes to take a look at your recruitment and hiring processes? I’m here to help.


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