Make the most out of tuition assistance programs
Tuition assistance or tuition reimbursement programs are assets many organizations underutilize and overlook. Many organizations simply implement them and forget them. What if, instead, the focus of these programs becomes building the talent that your organization needs for the future – and being able to predict when that talent would be ready?
Here are some tips on how to maximize your tuition programs:
Program design: Ensure that the program directs employees to the degrees or certifications you need. Ways to do this include: paying more for programs related to the roles and skills you need most and not including programs tied to skills you don’t need. Utilizing a targeted list of programs can be a good first step.
Data: How many people are in each program? When will they complete their studies? What are the barriers to going into these programs? Knowing these simple data points will allow you to answer questions when talent questions come up.
Participant Engagement: Can you offer tutoring, mentorship or study programs for those in the various targeted programs? How else could you support them –special swag, headphones, or computers?
Promote Outcomes: Highlight those that have completed programs –- and show how it accelerated their careers. Internal graduation ceremonies or other recognition programs are an effective way to get others to consider enrolling.
This will help you to retain the talent you have and help them build careers.