The new phone etiquette: Are your recruiting practices up-to-date?
Molly Weaver Molly Weaver

The new phone etiquette: Are your recruiting practices up-to-date?

The appropriate etiquette for making phone calls, answering calls, and leaving voicemails has changed dramatically in the last 20 — and even 2 — years. A recent Washington Post article documented current phone etiquette and got me thinking about whether recruiters are in sync. Could some of the perceived “ghosting” by candidates be miscommunication?

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We have always done it this way
Molly Weaver Molly Weaver

We have always done it this way

As we move forward into a world with AI at the forefront, the statement, “we’ve always done it this way” should prompt us to ask “why” we do the things we do in recruitment. Here’s an example.

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Do you have FOBO?
Molly Weaver Molly Weaver

Do you have FOBO?

What is FOBO, you ask? Fear of Becoming Obsolete. With all of the AI in the news – including the fears it will “take over,” is the worry justified?

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10 crucial elements to include in frontline leader training
Molly Weaver Molly Weaver

10 crucial elements to include in frontline leader training

Consider an employee who has just been promoted from a stellar individual contributor to a frontline leader role. The shift from “me” to “we” demands a new set of competencies. Providing frontline leadership training is key to an organization’s success. Here are 10 crucial elements your training should include.

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The freedom-productivity paradox
Molly Weaver Molly Weaver

The freedom-productivity paradox

At first glance, granting employees more freedom in their work may seem counterintuitive. And it’s critical to strike the right balance between employee and company needs. However, when implemented thoughtfully, workplace flexibility can be a powerful driver of productivity. Here’s how.

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Apply the marketing funnel to building your talent pipeline
Molly Weaver Molly Weaver

Apply the marketing funnel to building your talent pipeline

When you get right down to it, recruiting talent is marketing 101. So, it makes sense to apply a fundamental marketing principle: The marketing funnel. Read on to find out what I mean — plus a few tactics to consider — for each of the 5 stages of the marketing funnel.

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5 ways to update your benefits to be more inclusive
Molly Weaver Molly Weaver

5 ways to update your benefits to be more inclusive

One of the most significant trends in employee benefits is a renewed emphasis on inclusivity. Companies are updating their benefit policies to foster an environment where everyone feels valued and supported. Here are five ways to expand inclusivity through benefits.

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Tapping into the side hustle surge
Candidate Molly Weaver Candidate Molly Weaver

Tapping into the side hustle surge

45% of American workers have a side hustle. The rise of the gig economy, particularly the side hustle scene, makes it important for organizations to find a way to tap into this talent. Read on for three questions to ask.

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The need for speed: Jumpstart your hiring process for hourly workers
Molly Weaver Molly Weaver

The need for speed: Jumpstart your hiring process for hourly workers

Many employers still utilize traditional Applicant Tracking Systems and require resumes, lengthy interviews, and other hurdles wehn hiring hourly workers. As a result, they miss out on the fast-moving, fluid workforce. Here’s how to jumpstart your hiring of hourly employees.

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How to overcome “next-one-ism”
Molly Weaver Molly Weaver

How to overcome “next-one-ism”

Every recruiter has had a candidate who seemed to check all the boxes and interviewed well. But then they follow up with the hiring manager, who says something like, “They were great, but I want to see another candidate before I make a decision.” I have never understood the phenomenon of the “next-one-ism,” but I have learned some methods to overcome it. Here are some easy tips.

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Reskilling is the key to future success
Molly Weaver Molly Weaver

Reskilling is the key to future success

Eighty-five percent — almost 9 in 10 — jobs that will exist in 2030 have not been created yet. To prepare, companies need to become more adept at reskilling. So, where do you start? Read on.

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How to make the transition to skills-based hiring
Molly Weaver Molly Weaver

How to make the transition to skills-based hiring

Many companies are touting that they are now using “skills-based hiring.” However, when you dig into their job postings, many still require degrees. Making the transition from using a degree as a proxy for soft and hard skills takes planning and time to get it right. Here are the key transition steps when implementing skills-based hiring for your organization.

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Help hiring managers adapt their expectations to hiring market realities
Molly Weaver Molly Weaver

Help hiring managers adapt their expectations to hiring market realities

The realities of today’s labor market and changing hiring landscape requires hiring leaders to be adaptable in their expectations, especially if they hire less frequently or believe there is a line of candidates just waiting for their job posting. As recruiters and HR leaders, it’s our job to communicate the current job market and help our partners navigate it to hiring success.

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Ask 2 questions to uncover hidden gems in your candidate pool
Molly Weaver Molly Weaver

Ask 2 questions to uncover hidden gems in your candidate pool

I can think of so many examples where a resume that was initially rejected got another look, and the person turned out to be not just a good candidate but an outstanding performer. Here are two questions to ask to avoid making assumptions that push the candidate out of consideration.

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The case for providing interview questions to candidates in advance
Molly Weaver Molly Weaver

The case for providing interview questions to candidates in advance

Before you gasp or spit out your coffee, take a minute to think about why you would NOT provide candidates with questions for an interview in advance. If the goals are to set candidates up for success and find the best talent for the role, providing as much information as possible prior to the interview is a good start. Here’s why.

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Second chances and hidden talent
Molly Weaver Molly Weaver

Second chances and hidden talent

As we celebrate the 4th of July and our nation’s independence, here’s a challenge. Employers have a unique opportunity to open their doors to those who have paid the debt they owed to society and offer them a second chance at gainful employment. For your consideration, here are a few thoughts on why tapping into this pool of talent could help your organization.

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In lieu of a full shift to skills-based hiring, try this
Molly Weaver Molly Weaver

In lieu of a full shift to skills-based hiring, try this

In today’s competitive labor market, skills-based hiring initiatives are gaining traction in many industries. For those of you not quite ready to go “all in” on skills-based hiring, consider starting an “in lieu of” project within your organization. Here’s how it worked at one of my prior organizations.

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