Why you should look beyond the degree when filling your next role
As companies embrace skills-based hiring practices, a major shift is moving away from relying too heavily on college degrees as a broad proxy for candidate competencies. For years, employers have treated degrees as a signal of skills like critical thinking, communication, persistence, and intellectual capability. However, this degree-as-proxy approach has significant limitations.
Rethink your job postings: Take a “get to do” approach
When writing job descriptions, it’s easy to fall into the trap of simply listing roles, responsibilities, and requirements. But this approach misses a key opportunity to get candidates truly excited about the position. To attract engaged, motivated candidates, here’s how to flip the job description script.
Promoting from within: Setting up new managers for success
As companies look to fill open management positions, promoting high-performing individual contributors can be an attractive option. However, the jump to people manager can be a big one. Here are a few things to think about to ensure a successful transition.
Welcome to the work world, new graduates!
Over the next few weeks, colleges and universities will send a new class of students out into the working world. New grads must also overcome a lack of professional experience compared to other candidates. Explore these tips for standing out to prospective employers.
Build your personal brand to stand out in a competitive job market
In today’s competitive job market, simply having the right skills and experience isn’t always enough to stand out. Developing a strong personal brand can be the key differentiator that gets you noticed by potential employers — no matter where you are in your career journey. Read on for the essential ingredients of a personal brand.
Ditch the jargon: How to write clearer job descriptions
When it comes to attracting top talent, the job description is your first impression. However, descriptions loaded with corporate jargon and buzzwords can actually deter qualified candidates from applying. Read on for tips on creating jargon-free descriptions.
Who are “they” exactly? And what are their goals?
Recently, I read an article about a leader who was alert when their team said, “They won’t allow…” The leader would then ask who “they” were and challenge their team member to have a conversation before making an assumption. I often used this technique with my team. Here’s an example.
The future of work is changing — fast
Have you ever thought about what kind of job you'll be doing in 10 or 15 years? The future of work involves continuous learning, adaptability, and being open to roles that may not have existed when you started your career journey.
Here’s how to help high school students fast track their future in healthcare
Are you in healthcare in KC or St Louis and interested in ensuring that tomorrow’s healthcare workforce is ready to care for the citizens of the cities they serve? Explore this opportunity.
Take a break!
In 2022, each private-sector worker left an average of 10+ days on the table. Here a few key reasons why you should plan your next vacation and encourage your team to take time away.
The productivity lie
Workplaces trying to enforce productivity strictly through office presenteeism are going to struggle to retain top talent in this new world of work. The most innovative companies will treat employees like the intellectual knowledge workers they are. Here’s how I learned the lesson about team productivity.
Recruitment blind spots? Bring in fresh eyes
When it comes to your organization’s recruitment and hiring process, you may think you have it nailed down. But even the most robust and well-designed hiring processes can develop blind spots over time. That’s where the value of a fresh-eyes review comes in. Read on.
Defusing email tensions: The count-to-10 rule (as many times as needed)
We’ve all been there – an email lands in your inbox and immediately triggers an emotional reaction. In the heat of the moment, firing off a snippy response feels deeply satisfying. However, the momentary relief often leads to escalated conflict and strained workplace relationships. Try the count-to-10 rule instead.
Don’t be blindsided by the surging retirement wave
There are 2.7 million more retirees in the U.S. than projected.The surge in retirements puts organizations at risk of losing invaluable institutional knowledge and finding themselves shorthanded for critical roles. Keep reading for insights on how you can proactively address the issue.
The data revolution in talent acquisition
In today’s competitive job market, organizations are turning to data-driven decision-making to gain a strategic edge in talent acquisition. The power of analytics is transforming the recruitment landscape, providing valuable insights that go beyond gut feelings and intuitions. Read on.
Futureproof your workforce through strategic reskilling
In today’s rapidly changing business world, reskilling your workforce is crucial for staying competitive and resilient. The first step is to identify gaps among your workforce. Then, it’s about mapping out a comprehensive reskilling strategy. Here are a few ideas to consider.
In the school-to-scrubs journey, representation matters
It’s clear that we need more racial and ethnic diversity represented in healthcare to inspire the next generation of Black nurses, Asian physical therapists, Latinx technicians, and Native American public health officials. Here’s an idea for tackling the challenge from a recruiting standpoint.
Flexibility & balance: Combatting burnout in healthcare
Even as the demand for healthcare workers is projected to rapidly increase over the next decade, our current healthcare workforce has dwindled to near-crisis levels. Many complex factors contribute to this shortage. One that’s often overlooked is a lack of flexibility and work-life balance. Read on for concrete ways healthcare administrators and policymakers can promote flexibility and improve worker retention.
Incentives can help the healthcare sector tackle staffing challenges
The healthcare industry is experiencing a severe shortage of workers across all types of roles, from physicians to nurses to home health aides. While the causes of the shortage are complex, here’s a look at several incentives that can make a difference.
One day more: Embracing Leap Year 2024
Every four years, we’re gifted an extra day on our calendar—a phenomenon known as a Leap Year. In 2024, this bonus day presents itself as an opportunity to embrace life, reflect on personal goals, and indulge in some well-deserved self-care.